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Equitable Access to Health Care | SCOTUS Roe v. Wade Decision Fund

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$6,565.14 raised of $4,500.00 goal

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We know many will be affected by the news from the U.S. Supreme Court on people's access to health care. Donate below to support organizations working in various ways to protect people's access to care.

Your Donation Supports

Holler Health Justice

Organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice, Holler Health Justice builds power with Appalachian communities and individuals most disproportionately affected by health inequities, including Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC), those in rural areas, those with low income, and LGBTQIA+ folk.

SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

SisterSong’s mission is to amplify and strengthen the collective voices of indigenous women and women of color to achieve Reproductive Justice (RJ) by eradicating reproductive oppression and securing human rights. RJ is the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, choose when and how to have children or not, and parent in safety with adequate resources. RJ centers the needs and leadership of the most marginalized and the intersections of oppressions. The first RJ organization founded to build the movement, SisterSong includes and represents Indigenous, African American, Asian and Pacific Islander, Arab and Middle Eastern, Latinx, and queer women and trans people. A top RJ thought leader, trainer, organizer, and collaboration facilitator, our focus is Southern and national.

The Brigid Alliance

The Brigid Alliance is a nationwide practical support organization that arranges and funds transportation and other logistical support for individuals who must travel long distances for abortion care. In close partnership with a trusted network of organizations and providers, we work to close the gap between the right to an abortion and the ability to access one. Launched in August 2018, The Brigid Alliance helps on average 75+ clients each month from across the United States. Our team creates detailed itineraries for clients to reach, receive care, and safely return home from specialist providers in NY, MD, VA, NM, CO, and Washington, D.C. We also work in solidarity with organizations and individuals to meet needs that extend beyond our scope when and where possible.

Guttmacher Institute

The Guttmacher Institute advances sexual and reproductive health and rights through an interrelated program of research, policy analysis and public education designed to generate new ideas, encourage enlightened public debate and promote sound policy and program development. The Institute's overarching goal is to ensure the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health for all people worldwide.

Equitable Access to Health Care | SCOTUS Roe v. Wade Decision Fund

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