Feeding America
The Feeding America network is the largest domestic hunger-relief organization in the U.S. and is active in many of the communities where our remote U.S. employees live and work, including California, Colorado, Florida, Oregon, Texas, Washington DC, and others. https://www.feedingamerica.org/
A Well-Fed World
A Well-Fed World is an international hunger relief and food security organization advancing plant-based foods and farming to create a safe, nourished, and climate-friendly future -- based on the belief that a global shift towards plant-based foods more efficiently uses crops and natural resources to alleviate hunger, increases food security, and mitigates climate change. AWFW passes through 100% of donations to recipients. https://awellfedworld.org/
World Central Kitchen, Inc.
World Central Kitchen uses the power of food to empower communities and strengthen economies around the world. In response to COVID-19, WCK has been safely distributing individually packaged, fresh meals in communities that need support and also recently pledged $1 billion over the next 10 years to help families and communities hurt by the climate crisis. https://wck.org/